
Avasam was conceptualised by a highly experienced e-commerce team in 2017 and officially launched in October 2019. Essentially, it connected the suppliers and sellers into one platform dedicated to DropShipping. In doing so, Avasam became the UKs first full service DropShipping marketplace.

The brief

Avasam's ambition was to become the UKs first full service DropShipping marketplace. To achieve this, the start-up needed a strong identity in order to distance itself from the standard e-commerce SaaS presentation.

My roles: CX designer/ UX designer/ Web designer

1. Project road-map

Avasam's ambition was to become the UKs first full service DropShipping marketplace. To achieve this, the start-up needed a strong identity in order to distance itself from the standard e-commerce SaaS presentation.

2. Visual identity

The first phase was to design a charismatic identity that creates a memorable fist impression which makes it unique in the e-commerce area.


Website UX and design

To fulfill Avasam's ambition to disrupt the e-commerce environment when it comes to drop-shipping, I needed to create something that creates a powerful impression on the prospects. I collaborated with an external agency to create the logo. And from the logo, I articulated the visual identity for the website.


Problem 1) The user's time spent on the pages was too low for SEO purposes

The time spent on a website's page is a positive signal for SEO and can lead to better rankings and higher conversion rates.

Solution 1) Increase the user's time spent on the pages through engaging micro-interactions and animations

The goal was to create a user experience that is so compelling that visitors naturally want to stay and explore more of Avasam's content.

In order to keep the website's appearance fresh and engaging I proposed a new way to create animations in order to minimize the page load time and use less resources to greatly aid the SEO efforts - that meant no embedded videos and gifs.
I used a java script-based library of animations (Lottie) towards which I had control through Adobe After-Effects.

Solution 1 result: The user's time spent increased by a whooping 60%

Through analytics we saw an increase of 60% in session duration and also the percentage of the page viewed (through heatmaps) got up by 40% which meant that only the footer was getting the lowest view-time which is something normal.

Problem 2) Highly relevant traffic (potential leads) didn't directly search for "drop shipping" but broader terms

After I segmented the user base through field research and user interviews, I created a search-term cloud to figure out where should I aim my content architecture.

Solution 2) Create engaging and useful dedicated landing pages for each category of search-terms

Free tools landing pages

Hot product landing pages

Integration landing pages

Drop shipping guide landing page and email sequence

Solution 2 result: The landing pages had a conversion rate (sign-ups) of 8% which translated in 200 sign-ups per month

Problem 3) The digital eco-system needed an automated way of engaging and re-engaging users

Solution 3): I created an automated workflow using HubSpot and a combination of in-app messaging to keep the users engaged or convert them

Solution 3 results: 40% engagement with new users and 80% engagement with existing users


From 0 to 200 conversion / month

Tudor created a Lead-Gen website that went from 0 conversions per month to 200 per month with steady growth

High website engagement

Tudor raised the unique session time on the website to an average of 7 minutes

Charismatic design

An eye-catching, memorable visual identity which got only positive reviews from the users

Let's work together

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